5 Things to Know About the Age Limit to Donate Eggs

April 10, 2023

Egg donation can be a rewarding experience for many women, allowing them to help others start or expand their families. However, several essential factors play into your eligibility to donate eggs, including age requirements. While most banks have varying age limits for egg donation, we set an age range of 18-31 years at The World Egg and Sperm Bank. In this article, we will discuss five key things to know about the age limit to donate eggs.


What is the Age Limit to Donate Eggs?

1. The Minimum Legal Age is 18

In most countries, the minimum legal age to donate eggs is 18. Some jurisdictions set a higher age limit of 21 years.

Egg donation is an elective procedure, and it’s important that a woman is mature enough to understand the implications of their decision. This age limit also ensures the woman’s body has matured enough to reduce the chance of complications.

The psychological risks associated with egg donation, including anxiety and depression, may be overwhelming for younger women. Moreover, egg retrieval is done under twilight sedation which could present anesthesia complications for bodies that haven’t fully developed.


2. The Exact Age Limit to Donate Eggs Varies between Banks

While the minimum legal age for egg donation is 18, the exact age range for egg donors can vary between fertility clinics and egg donation agencies.

In general, most clinics and agencies set an upper age limit of 30 to 35 years old for egg donors. However, some clinics or agencies may accept donors who are older than 35 if they have good overall health and high-quality eggs.

It’s also important to note that while egg quality declines as women age, there can be significant variation in egg quality between individual women, regardless of age. As such, some clinics may consider women older than 40 years with particularly healthy eggs as potential donors, even if they are outside the typical age range.

In fact, although it is relatively rare, some clinics may consider donors up to age 50. Donors over age 40 may be subject to additional screening and testing to ensure that they are healthy and have a good chance of producing viable eggs.

At The World Egg and Sperm Bank, our age limit to donate eggs is an upper number of 31 years old.


3. Age Can Affect Egg Quality

One of the main reasons for setting an age limit to donate eggs is to ensure a higher quality of gamete.

Generally speaking, a woman’s fertility tends to start declining after age 30. The quality of her eggs may decrease, which can reduce the chances of a successful pregnancy. By using younger donors, fertility clinics and egg donation agencies can increase the success rate for donor egg recipients.

Research has shown that the quality and quantity of a woman’s eggs can decline as she ages, which can make it more difficult to conceive and carry a healthy pregnancy to term. Several factors account for this.

One factor is chromosomal integrity, which can decline in eggs as women age. This can increase the risk of chromosomal abnormalities, make it more difficult to conceive, and increase the risk of miscarriage and other pregnancy complications.

The DNA in a woman’s eggs can also accumulate damage over time, which can lead to mutations and other abnormalities. This can make it more difficult to conceive and increase the risk of birth defects and other complications. Other factors like increased oxidative stress and declining mitochondrial function in older women play a significant role in the quality of eggs.


4. Donating Young Will Not Affect Your Future Egg Supply

Contrary to popular belief, donating eggs at a young age will not affect a woman’s fertility or future egg supply. Women are born with a finite number of eggs, and donating a few eggs will not reduce the number of eggs remaining.

However, it’s important for donors to carefully consider every aspect before making a decision. Talk to your doctor about the potential risks of donating eggs and choose an experienced egg bank that prioritizes your health and safety.

Healthy women lose about 500-1000 eggs every cycle. During your donation process, the eggs we retrieve would have ovulated or been absorbed by your own body. We are able to collect those eggs which would have otherwise been lost, then pass them onto intended parents trying to start or add to their family.


5. Age Is Not The Only Requirement

While age is an essential consideration in egg donation, it’s not the only requirement. Egg donors must also meet other eligibility criteria, such as:

  • Good overall health
  • BMI between 18 and 31
  • Non-smoker with no history of alcohol or drug addiction
  • Family history free of certain genetic conditions
  • And more

Additionally, donors must be willing to undergo a rigorous screening process, including medical and psychological evaluations, to determine their health and mental state.

Donors cannot be on certain birth controls such as Depo-Provera and Implanon/Nexplanon. After two normal periods off these medications, you are eligible to begin the screening process.


Make a Difference with Egg Donation

Although the exact age limit to donate eggs can vary between clinics and egg banks, age is an essential factor when determining your eligibility to donate eggs. At The World Egg and Sperm Bank, we have set our age range to donate eggs at 18-31 years to protect the health and safety of our donors while also ensuring quality eggs for future parents.

If you are considering egg donation, know that your generous contribution will make a life-changing impact on individuals who dream of starting or adding to their family. Our specialists are here to help – please reach out if you have questions about the process or would like to take the first step.


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