What Your Horoscope Says About Your Donating Power

May 5, 2020
How Your Horoscope Relates to Egg Donation

Aries: March 21 – April 19 

As an Aries, you have probably been told that you have a strong personality. You are eager to try things that others have succeeded at, knowing that if they can do it, it should be no issue for you. Your mind easily flashes to all the possibilities a decision holds for you and you grasp strongly to those that are of positive, progressive outcome. This makes you an incredibly powerful donor. Not only have many others completed donation with flying colors, but their positive stories, wanting to donate again, and financial gain makes you excited to join them.  

8% of currently active donors at The World Egg Bank are Aries 

Taurus: April 20 – May 20 

Taurus, your creative side makes the decision of donating very interesting for you. You don’t like to let others down and, when placed with a task, like to see it completely through to the end. When you find a place you like, whether it be a local eatery or simple place to gather your thoughts, you tend to return to that place time and time again. This makes you an honest donor of great strength. Tapping into your creativity will lead you to understanding that donating has a potential for financial gain, however, the comfort you find in helping others have a family will spark your interest in donating many times over. 

7.0% of currently active donors at The World Egg Bank are Taurus 

Gemini: May 21 – June 20 

There are many sayings regarding curiosity, however, your tendency for curiosity, Gemini, may just end up leading you on a wonderful journey of self-expression. You have an underlying drive to accomplish many things in your life that lay on many different paths. The trick for you is simply trying to make sense of those paths to align where your life takes you next. You have a kind heart at the center of your being and donating in some regard has been on the back of your mind for some time now. This, along with your ebbing curiosity to learn more, makes you a knowledgeable donor. Just like in many other things, knowledge is power, so use that going forward with your donation process.  

8% of currently active donors at The World Egg Bank are Gemini 

Cancer: June 21 – July 22 

Being so caring, Cancer, things do not easily slip by you. You enjoy taking extra time to ponder the consequences on both sides before jumping into a situation with both feet. This is especially true when other people’s feelings are at stake. You are sensitive to how people feel and can imagine yourself in their shoes easily. You are a natural donor and the amount of compassion for those struggling to create a family makes you one of the most powerful of all. Simply knowing that you are making a difference in people’s lives is enough for you to want to help; a trait many intended-parents cherish when choosing a donor.  

10% of currently active donors at The World Egg Bank are Cancer 

Leo: July 23 – August 22 

Leo, your love to express yourself through larger-than-life actions is about to pay off in numerous ways. You tend to be the leader of the group and rarely need someone to push you towards doing something great and, when you find that next great thing, you are quick to act in order to attain it. You have a disposition to cling passionately to whatever may be currently weighing on your heart, making you a very powerful all-in donor. You don’t need to sit on the decision for longer than necessary because you know what you want and, due to your headstrong nature, anyone trying to sway you will simply make you want to donate that much more.  

9% of currently active donors at The World Egg Bank are Leo 

Virgo: August 23 – September 22 

When you first heard about donating, Virgo, your eyes may have narrowed slightly. Turning on your practical nature, you may have immediately delved headfirst into research. You think that helping others is wonderful, however, you are not easily swayed into thinking that the reward will come without effort. However, once you are convinced that a decision is right for you, you tend to cling to that decision with assured, yet gentle, tenacity. This makes you a waterfall donor. Hesitant as the calm waters of a flowing stream at first, nonetheless, once your grip is assured, you can fully dedicate yourself and become a strong and powerful donor. One that is even able to be an influencer to others who may sit uncertain in the wading pool of indecision. 

9% of currently active donors at The World Egg Bank are Virgo 

Libra: September 23 – October 22 

Your enjoyment of social situations will benefit you, Libra. You like any reason to get out and be with people and it’s a bonus if your time spent with them is time spent helping them. You aren’t afraid to let your mind be spoken and are very good at scheduling others as well as yourself. However, this doesn’t mean that you are overbearing, especially since your kind heart shines above all else. These traits make you the tell-it-like-it-is donor. You are not afraid to set your own schedule as well as limits, however, your wanting to be included in a social situation draws you out and helps you push yourself, increasing your power as a donor. As soon as you heard about all the positives of becoming a donor, you were likely trying to fit donating into your list of must-try activities.  

7% of currently active donors at The World Egg Bank are Libra 

Scorpio: October 23 – November 21 

Though stubbornness can be a hinderance for you in many parts of your life, Scorpio, your passionate side emerges to serve you in the realm of donating. Any time you find yourself in need of something, whether passion or financial gain, you find yourself able to uncover a path to that item. You are also not afraid to take unusual routes to get to attain your desires. This makes you the obvious donor. Like the natural donor, your desire to help along with your bravery make you an extremely strong donor and also a leader that many will be willing to follow.  

9% of currently active donors at The World Egg Bank are Scorpio 

Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21 

Your ability to find the positive in many situations where others struggle will aid you greatly at this time. You like to give, especially when it involves something that you have a great surplus of. Additionally, you are the life of the party and love to bring comedic relief along with you. These traits make you the happy donor. Natural happiness is a powerful and rare tool to have in a toolbox and having this at your disposal makes you increasingly powerful as well. Your positivity, light-heartedness, and generosity will shine brightly through your application to all intended parents, capturing their interest in your inner beauty. 

9% of currently active donors at The World Egg Bank are Aries 

Capricorn: December 22 – January 19 

Although your overall disposition may linger on the serious side, Capricorn, your tenacity to complete personally-set goals reverberates through you. You don’t need someone guiding you from one interest to the next and truly enjoy the time you get to spend alone, maybe reflecting on your internal being or just cuddling up with a good book. Many people may not understand how you are able to foster such independence, however, finding unique tasks to busy your time and mind are very helpful to you here. Your natural internal ability to grip strongly to items deemed worthy of your attention make you a reliable donor. Reliability being a great force driving donor power. Missed, forgotten, or tardy appointments will be a rare-if-ever occurrence and intended parents will know they will be able to count on you to make their dreams reality. 

7% of currently active donors at The World Egg Bank are Capricorn 

Aquarius: January 20 – February 18 

When the idea of donating entered your subconscious, it is likely that many wheels began turning, Aquarius. Perhaps you often find yourself thinking too deeply into many things, especially if they include the opportunity for a unique and refreshing experience. However, once you settle on an idea, there is usually nothing that can sway you and you don’t let many things get in your way. Your enthralling imagination makes you the dream donor. Maybe you imagine what the donation process would truly feel like on an emotional level and sometimes find yourself thinking about the intended parents’ emotions. The ability to use your imagination on this level, while rare, makes you one of the most powerful types of donor.  

9% of currently active donors at The World Egg Bank are Aquarius 

Pisces: February 19 – March 20 

Pisces, you often feel many different emotions about a single item in your life, especially when something unexpected and new comes your way. This may have a tendency to make you step back and think when others may already be jumping in headfirst. You don’t allow these early adopters to upset you, though, because your inner persona is developed in a way that has made you wise beyond your own personal experiences. You are able to truly empathize with people, especially with those who are in need, making you a willing and able donor. Not only are you able to understand the physical need centered around donation, but you are able to understand the emotional need of those who benefit from donation. This type of high-level power will make you stand out to many along your journey. 

8% of currently active donors at The World Egg Bank are Pisces 

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