Notable News, Volume 1, Issue 1: Ignorance is Bliss (but is it safe?)

January 23, 2023
Notable News Series Volume 1 – Issue 1 – Ignorance is Bliss (but is it safe?)

Have you considered the safety, quality control and traceability of anonymous, imported donor gametes? What issues will you, the Intended Parent and the child resulting from egg/sperm donations encounter as shifting trends acknowledge the wellbeing of and obligations toward the resulting children who may want to confirm their health history and donor compliance from foreign countries?


Current Practices in Canada

Information from imported gametes is NOT “Verified.”

A ‘record review for Health Canada’ presents pitfalls that can circumvent validation of the accuracy of the data in the records from imported donor egg and sperm. The egg banks that purchased eggs from foreign countries made available to Canadian distributors and clinics also are not responsible to Health Canada for validating the accuracy of data on each donor.


Instead, Health Canada states that a Canadian Proxy Medical Director must only ensure donor suitability of a donor retrieved in a foreign country by:

  1. Reviewing all available medical information.
  2. Review all available results from donor testing.
  3. Complete a donor suitability assessment unless it is not medically possible to do so.
  4. The Medical Director is defined by Health Canada as a person who is responsible for all medical and technical procedures carried out DURING the processing of sperm and ova. Does the Proxy Medical Director determining suitability in Canada, rely on another Proxy Medical Director at a foreign clinic (DURING processing)? Is this an acceptable path to meet the safety and regulatory due diligence our patients expect?
  5. Who is accountable for errors or omissions as the records are reviewed but impossible to verify directly?


Best Practices at The World Egg and Sperm Bank

The World Egg and Sperm Bank is audited for accuracy, safety, and a plethora of other elements to determine donor eligibility by more than 21 ART Regulations worldwide which include the U.S., Australia, and Canada. We hold a Canadian Primary Establishment license (No. 000013).


Quality and regulatory control rests in one location

  1. The World Egg and Sperm Bank is directly and singularly accountable for determining donor suitability – and directly verifies all medical, psychological, and genetic screening of our donors. We conduct all vital and traceable consenting.
  2. Every sperm and egg donor is processed from recruitment to retrieval in our own clinic, and each donor is seen by our Medical Director, who determines donor eligibility.
  3. The traceability of each cohort is monitored, recorded and auditable directly in our clinic (where we also maintain records on family limits).


The World Egg and Sperm Bank donors are willing to be Open Identity to a child that may be conceived with his/her gametes. A parent still has the choice to maintain anonymity, but as an adult, the donor information is available should a child want to know their genetic origins.


Accountability: source screening documents, reimbursement documents, consenting processes, donor identification, retrieval records, vitrification records and pregnancy outcomes are performed at and maintained directly by The World Egg and Sperm Bank for each of our donors.

Quality Control and a clear, direct chain of command is essential to confirm the accuracy of the health and safety of the donor and her eggs.



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