Many aspiring egg donors will browse multiple online sources to learn about the egg donation process and the requirements to donate eggs before they even apply to or contact an egg bank.
One of the most common questions searched online, along with “Can I donate my eggs on birth control?” is “Does BMI matter for egg donation?”
Keep reading to find out about BMI for egg donation, see if you can qualify to donate your eggs, and calculate your own BMI!
BMI for Egg Donation
Being within a certain BMI range is one of many requirements to get approved to become an egg donor when talking about physical health qualifications. This is a standard requirement of most egg banking facilities in the United States. BMI matters for egg donation not only if you have a higher BMI, but a lower BMI as well.
What does BMI mean?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, BMI stands for Body Mass Index. BMI is a helpful tool to calculate a person’s average amount of body fat. BMI is calculated by taking a person’s weight (in pounds) and dividing it by the square of your height (in feet).
When you apply to donate your eggs with us, our online application will take your height and weight and instantly calculate it to see if you can continue through the rest of the application.
Want to calculate your own BMI instantly?
What is a “healthy BMI”?
BMI is not used to definitively diagnose the overall health of the individual but can indicate whether someone has a higher or lower BMI and therefore more prone to certain health issues, as well as potential health risks. BMI ranges are indicators that an individual is considered either underweight, normal, overweight, or obese.
Why is there a BMI Requirement for Egg Donation?
The inclusion of BMI for egg donation requirements has no relation to the level of desirability for certain physical characteristics over another’s. At The World Egg and Sperm Bank, we must consider BMI for multiple clinical and safety reasons.
- Your body may not respond well to hormone stimulations necessary to mature your eggs successfully before egg retrieval, especially if you have a lower BMI.
- Due to egg donation being an elective procedure (an optional procedure which is not to treat a life-threatening condition) and the use of twilight sedation, for the safety of the donor and the clinical staff, The World Egg and Sperm Bank requires donors to be within a certain BMI range. There can be a higher risk of surgical and or anesthetic complications if you have a high BMI with any procedure.
While we wish that more women would have the opportunity to donate, this requirement is for the safety of the donor in mind during the egg retrieval process, as well as creating the best chance for a future successful pregnancy for aspiring families. So, besides BMI for egg donation, what other characteristics and qualities are considered to become an egg donor?
What are the other requirements to donate eggs?
It doesn’t stop at BMI for egg donation! There are 14 requirements to donate eggs, listed below:
Physical Health Requirements:
- Between the ages of 18 and 31
- Must hold a permanent residency in either the United States or Canada along with corresponding official Government issued ID.
- Must be a non-smoker.
- No alcohol and/or substance abuse and addiction.
- Healthy body mass index (BMI).
- Must pass STD screening.
Mental health requirements:
- Pass an evaluation with a licensed psychologist.
- Complete a Medical Questionnaire.
Medical History Requirements:
- Must provide accurate and complete knowledge of medical and genetic history of family members up to biological grandparents.
- Pass genetic testing.
- Current discontinued use of Nexplanon, Implanon and Depo Prover prior to the start of preliminary screening.
Personal Comfort Requirements:
- Willingness to administer medication by subcutaneous injections for 10-14 days.
- Time commitment of two to four months for first time donors.
- Make sure this is the right fit for you.
To get even more details on each of these requirements, read our blog on the requirements to donate eggs.
Apply to Be an Egg Donor!
Donating your eggs helps singles and couples fulfill their lifelong dream of starting their future family. Start your journey to becoming an egg donor and apply in less than 30 minutes!
Our team at The World Egg and Sperm Bank is always here and ready to guide you through this process and answer any questions you may have. Don’t hesitate to email us at donors@twesb.com or call our office at 602-678-1906.
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