The process of egg donation continues to aide countless women dealing with a variety of infertility issues in the modern world. This practice has become increasingly more commonplace and seen as great alternative to natural conception, especially for women over the age of 40. This is because, not only the quality of our eggs, but the number of our eggs decline as we age, decreasing women’s overall fertility and ability to get pregnant. So, if the quality and number of our eggs decrease as we age, what is the egg donation age limit?
Read on to learn why there is an age limit on egg donation and how age impacts female fertility.
Age Limit on Egg Donation
While other egg banks accepted age ranges vary, at The World Egg and Sperm Bank, you can donate your eggs up to 31 years old. So, why does the age cap stop here? There are several reasons that relate to quantity and quality.
Egg Quantity
Did you know that all women are born with all the eggs they will ever have? At birth, they will have around 1 to 2 million eggs (oocytes), while men continue to produce more sperm cells every 72 days. So, females are unable to make new eggs, and the quantity declines each time they have their period. Remember that you start with 1 to 2 million!
In a single menstrual cycle, a woman will lose around 1,000 immature eggs every month, while only one egg will mature, making it through the entire ovulatory process. So, as women age, particularly starting in their mid to late 30s, their egg reserve has lessened.
Concerning egg donation, this may result in difficulties retrieving the needed quantity of healthy eggs to then be frozen and given to an aspiring parent. This does not mean that women won’t be able to become pregnant or are infertile after 32 years old, only that using younger donors in their 20s leads to the highest chance of success. We always strive to provide the highest quality eggs for the highest chance of a future successful pregnancy.
Egg Quality
The age limit on egg donation also concerns overall egg quality. As women age, there is a “higher and higher percentage of the eggs inside your ovaries containing genetic abnormalities.” In layman’s terms, egg quality is the anticipated percentage of genetically “normal” eggs relative to their total number of eggs, and this percentage will decrease over time. We only want to provide our aspiring parents with the healthiest eggs possible, and there are simply larger quantities of eggs, free of genetic abnormalities, from donors under 32 years old.
How Old Do You Have to Be to Donate Your Eggs?
Now that we know the egg donation age limit, what is the minimum age you need to be to become an egg donor with us? We understand that the choice to donate your eggs is a significant decision, one that takes careful consideration and understanding of the physical commitment and time investment. Because of this, we require egg donors to be at least 18 years of age.
In most countries, the legal age of adulthood and the minimum legal age to donate eggs is 18 years old. This signifies the age in which men and women are seen as in control of their own action and decisions as adults. The decision to donate your eggs is not a minor one, and we want to ensure that you feel mentally ready and informed.
Use of Anesthesia
Egg retrieval is an elective procedure requiring twilight sedation (anesthesia) which could provide complications for any minor under the age of 18 if their body is not fully developed.
Will I Not Be Able to Get Pregnant If I Donate My Eggs Once or Multiple Times?
If you do decide to donate your eggs, will that affect your ability to become pregnant and start your family later? No! There is no evidence or research to suggest that the procedure will affect your future fertility.
In terms of the eggs themselves, no, you will never run out of eggs from donating them, not even close! On average, only a mere 10-20 eggs are retrieved in a single donation cycle. To compare, as stated before, you already lose around 1,000 eggs during each menstrual cycle.
Make a Difference and Become an Egg Donor Today!
Are you the right age to donate eggs? Head over to our egg donor page and start your application to become an egg donor today!
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