Egg Donor Recipient Questions and Answers

May 30, 2023
Egg Donor Recipient Journey: Questions and Answers

If you are considering using donor eggs to help start your family, you are not alone. Egg recipients may be individuals or families, including LGBTQIA+ or those struggling with fertility complications. Their may be many egg donor recipient questions that come up along the journey.

It’s common for egg donor recipients to have questions about what to expect during the journey. At The World Egg and Sperm Bank, we’re here to help!



What Questions Should I Ask an Egg Bank?

“Egg donor future parent questions and answers”

Choosing a donor bank takes personal reflection and an exploration of your options. There is a lot of information out there about different banks and the donor process, and it’s crucial for egg donor recipients to research their options. 

Gather as much information as possible and ask questions about any donor bank you are considering. Some things you’ll want to know will include:


1. How do you source and screen donors?

At The World Egg and Sperm Bank, we have several donor requirements to ensure donors are healthy and can provide quality eggs to recipients. We look at everything from physical and mental health to family medical history and genetic testing. 


2. What are your success rates? 

Many factors can influence donor egg success rates. You will want to clarify how a donor bank calculates success rates based on various conditions. Factors like donor health, freezing and storage protocols, and shipping, can influence egg survival rates. At The World Egg and Sperm Bank, our success rates include over 92% for egg survival.


3. How are eggs frozen, stored, and shipped? 

Our experts use the process of vitrification to freeze donor eggs and prepare them for storage. When it is time to ship, The World Egg and Sperm Bank will arrange specialized shipping directly to your clinic. This will ensure our donor eggs are properly frozen and maintain a consistent temperature until they are ready to be used. 


4. Do you outsource any steps of your process? 

When a gamete bank outsources steps, they have less control over the process and it is more difficult for them to maintain quality standards. 

At The World Egg and Sperm Bank, all steps — from donor recruitment and gamete retrieval to freezing, storage, and shipment — are performed in-house at our singular facility by experienced team members.



What Should I Consider When Selecting an Egg Donor?

As an egg recipient and future parent, it is essential to remember that the donor process is its own journey, and may come with mixed emotions and multiple considerations. Regardless of how you got here, your journey with fertility and family planning is valid and doesn’t change your ability to bond with the future child.

When looking for an egg donor to help you conceive, there are a few factors you’ll want to consider. The first thing you’ll need to decide is if you are using a donor bank or if the donor is someone you already know.

If you are using a donor bank, consider the following:

  • The processes of any potential donor banks
  • What traits you want in a donor
  • The time it takes to find a donor and complete a donor cycle


Will the Child Be Biologically Mine?

One common egg donor recipient question revolves around the biological makeup of the child. A child born from a donor egg will be biologically related to the donor or donors (if donor sperm is also used).

Egg donor genetics can influence many things, from a child’s appearance to their health, but they do not determine everything. Epigenetics and how the child is raised will also influence their personality, likes, habits, and much more.

It is important to remember that donors have no legal rights or responsibilities to the future child.


What Can I Expect During the Process?

At The World Egg and Sperm Bank, we make the egg donor recipient process as simple as possible! After browsing our donor profiles, you can register as a recipient online in just a few minutes. Our expert client representatives will help guide and support you throughout the entire recipient journey. 

Let your fertility team know you are receiving our donor eggs, and we will do the rest! We will handle any communications, coordinate with your fertility team, and arrange the shipment of your donor eggs directly to your clinic. From there, your clinic will manage your fertility options.


How Can I Prepare My Body to Receive Donor Eggs?

Maintaining or creating healthy exercise, nutrition, and stress management habits will help prepare you for the recipient process and benefit future pregnancies. 

At The World Egg and Sperm Bank, we do not provide fertility or IVF services. You must work closely with your clinic and fertility specialists while preparing to receive donor eggs. Your team will likely conduct a series of physical and mental health assessments early on to ensure you are ready and able to complete the process safely. 

Your fertility team will also educate you on your options and expectations at each process stage based on their practices. 



Let Us Help You Grow Your Family!

There are many egg donor recipient questions about the process, and it’s important to thoroughly understand your decision on an egg bank. The right gamete bank will do more than simply provide the donor eggs you need — they will also be transparent, communicative, and supportive throughout the journey.

You can rest easy knowing that The World Egg and Sperm Bank uses only the most advanced processes and technologies to retrieve, store, and transport donor gametes. Our science-backed protocols and state-of-the-art facility have raised the standard of care for gamete donation. Our focus on donor health and care means the eggs you receive are of the highest quality.

Browse our egg donors or contact us for more information regarding egg donor recipient questions or about how to start growing your family today!


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