How to Become an Egg Donor in Arizona

July 31, 2023
A woman in a bright yellow sweater looking down at her phone representing how to become an egg donor in Arizona.

Location can be a key factor to deciding when you’d like to consider becoming an egg donor, and what level of convenience you’re looking for. Whether you’re an Arizona resident and looking to donate your eggs for the first time locally or living somewhere else in the U.S. and have an Arizona trip on your bucket list, this desert metropolis is a great choice! Read on as we will give the full details on how to become an egg donor in Arizona with The World Egg and Sperm Bank.


Donating In-state Versus Out of State

There are a variety of options to choose from when it comes to where you will be donating your eggs, and considerations to be had for each. You can donate with an egg bank in-state, or anywhere across the United States. This is due to the fact that most egg banking facilities offer out-of-state travel programs, or reimburse you for your travels if they do not have a location within the state you are currently living in.


If you are living in Arizona and trying to become an egg donor in Arizona, at The World Egg and Sperm Bank:

  • You can enjoy the convenience of short travels to our facility in Scottsdale, Arizona.
  • You may visit our facility for your interview or before your egg retrieval date.
  • You can easily bring a friend or partner for emotional support the day of your egg retrieval.


If you are living outside the state of Arizona and looking to become an egg donor in Arizona, at The World Egg and Sperm Bank:

  • You will receive reimbursement for all travel expenses, including air travel if you are flying, gas reimbursement for automobile travel, and hotel accommodations, conveniently located near our egg bank facility.
  • Our top of the line staffing also ensures your safety to and from our facility the day of your retrieval.


Egg Donor Requirements in Arizona

While other egg banks vary, our requirements to donate eggs in Arizona at our single, state-of-the-art facility in Scottsdale regard physical and mental health, medical history, as well as other personal comfort circumstances.


  • Woman between the ages of 18-31.
  • Must hold a permanent residency in either the United States or Canada along with corresponding official Government issued ID.
  • Complete and accurate knowledge of your personal medical and genetic history as well as your family members up to biological grandparents.
  • Currently not on Depo-Provera, Implanon/Nexplanon contraceptive birth control.
  • Healthy Body Mass Index (BMI).
  • Willingness to self-administer hormones by injection (very small subcutaneous needles)


How to Become an Egg Donor in Arizona

So, other than deciding you’d like to donate with The World Egg and Sperm Bank, what are the necessary steps on how to become an egg donor in Arizona? There are 5 essential steps to become an egg donor, which for first time egg donors will take 2-4 months to donate their eggs.

  1. Matching– The first step towards the egg donation process is applying to donate online, which takes approximately 30-40 minutes to complete, where you will provide necessary personal health information and history, as well as for your biological family members.
  2. Screening– Genetic testing and screening will be conducted, as well as meeting with our certified and friendly psychological counselor to understand and evaluate your willingness to donate eggs.
  3. Monitoring and Stimulation- After genetic screening, you will receive an ultrasound to ensure you’re ready to begin 2 weeks of hormones by self-injection. You will also have about 3-5 additional visits to monitor your body’s response to the hormones.
  4. Egg Retrieval- After 10-14 days of monitoring and hormone injections you will be scheduled for your egg retrieval. After we recommend taking the day off. You can return to normal activities the following day.
  5. After Retrieval- Similar to the symptoms of your monthly period, you may feel cramping, bloating, and or fatigue.



Apply to Become an Egg Donor in Arizona!

Don’t hesitate and take the leap to apply today to become an egg donor in Arizona! If you have any questions, we are eager to answer any curiosities or clarifications, and you can contact us at or 602-678-1906.


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