The Power of Sperm Donation for LGBTQIA+ Families

May 22, 2023
The Power of Sperm Donation for LGBTQIA+ Families

Many families and parents-to-be struggle with various obstacles when starting or growing a family. While infertility is a well-known issue, LGBTQIA+ families face unique barriers to family planning. Adoption is one viable option for LGBTQIA+ individuals and families who choose not to (or can’t) go through the process of finding a donor or surrogate. Alternatively, sperm donation for LGBTQIA+ along with egg donation are powerful gifts that can help those in this community enter the joy of parenthood. 



Starting a Family with Sperm Donation for Future LGBTQIA+ Parents

LGBTQIA+ families can choose to use donor eggs, donor sperm, or both depending on the needs and desires of the future parents. Surrogacy, intrauterine insemination (IUI), and in vitro fertilization (IVF) are the common paths LGBTQIA future parent(s) can take to build their families.


Fertility Options for LGBTQIA+ Families

“How does sperm donation for LGBTQIA+ work?”

Two methods of donor conception include IUI and IVF. Both options require donor sperm and a future parent willing and able to carry a pregnancy. Future parents must discuss who will carry the future child and, in some cases of IVF, whose eggs will be used. 

IUI (intrauterine insemination) is the process of donor insemination. The sperm is inserted through the vagina into the uterus of the person who is carrying the pregnancy. IUI can be done either in-office or at home based on the preferences of the future parents and the practices of their fertility team. 

IVF (In vitro fertilization) requires a specialized procedure and physician oversight. It must occur in-office, regardless of the sperm and egg sources. During the IVF process, the fertilization of the egg with sperm occurs in a lab setting. The developing embryo is then implanted into the uterus of the pregnancy-carrying parent. 

Surrogacy requires the LGBTQIA+ future parents to select a surrogate mother to carry the pregnancy. In some circumstances, the surrogate mother may also be the egg donor. Surrogacy is an option for many future parents, including gay men or transgender individuals. It is also an option available to lesbian or bisexual women who can’t or don’t want to carry a pregnancy. 

Surrogacy laws vary by state, so be sure your fertility team is aware and able to help you navigate the legalities of establishing parental rights.


Choosing an Egg or Sperm Donor

If you need a donor, there are two options. Some future parents get the necessary eggs or sperm from someone they know, while others use donor banks.

Whether you are looking for an egg donor or sperm donor, there are many benefits of using a donor bank to start your family. 


1. You don’t need to worry about the health of the donor. 

At The World Egg and Sperm Bank, we have specific criteria for our donors to ensure gamete health and quality. All donors undergo rigorous screening, including physical and mental health evaluations and genetic testing. 


2. You decide what donor traits, characteristics, and demographics are important to you. 

When choosing a sperm donor, you’ll have a lot of information at your fingertips. Donors provide extensive profiles about themselves. You’ll have access to all the non-identifying information they share about their health and family histories, physical attributes, hobbies, and more. 

Explore the egg donor and sperm donor profiles to get an idea of the information you will be able to access while browsing your options.


3. You have the support of the experts!

In addition to having a variety of healthy, quality donors to choose from, we only use the most advanced retrieval, freezing, and storage processes at The World Egg and Sperm Bank. As a result, you can expect the eggs and sperm you need to start your family to be of the highest quality.

The World Egg and Sperm Bank also helps our donors and intended families navigate the financial and legal specifics of donation. When using a donor bank, donors waive all parental, legal, and financial rights and responsibilities to any child born as a result of their donation. This protects both parties from issues after birth. Additionally, the bank keeps contact information strictly confidential.

There are additional legal considerations when not using a sperm bank. For example, parental and financial rights and responsibilities may be more challenging to navigate without an explicit contract like those signed at a donor bank. 



Looking to Start or Grow Your Family?

Creating a family, regardless of the method, requires a great deal of support and appropriate resources. Having the support of a qualified donor bank will help you feel secure in knowing you will be respected and well cared for. We are always available to answer your questions regarding sperm donation for LGBTQIA+.

At The World Egg and Sperm Bank, we prioritize each donor’s health, safety, and comfort. Because of this, we can provide the highest quality donor gametes for future LGBTQIA+ parents building their families. 

Browse our extensive network and find a sperm donor based on your desired characteristics and traits. We hope to hear from you soon!


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