The World Egg Bank Performs First In-House Embryo Development Cycle

This article was originally published on Sprout News on July 26, 2017, written by PressCable.
The World Egg Bank’s (TWEB) Laboratory Manager, Brian LoManto, performed the first in-house embryo development cycle, at TWEB’s new facility at 7227 N. 16th Street, #160, Phoenix, Arizona USA 85020.
Phoenix, United States – July 26, 2017 /PressCable/ —
The World Egg Bank’s (TWEB) Laboratory Manager, Brian LoManto, performed the first in-house embryo development cycle, at TWEB’s new facility at 7227 N. 16th Street, #160, Phoenix, Arizona USA 85020. Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) was used to inseminate oocytes that were warmed in TWEB’s lab. This successful cycle marks the beginning of offering this service in-house to Intended Parents worldwide.
For more information on the breakthrough procedure and The World Egg Bank visit, http:/
Embryo development entails the direct injection of one sperm cell into the egg using a high-powered microscope and state of the art microtools. The embryos are then cultured to the blastocyst stage, which is up to 7 days of development, vitrified, and shipped to the recipient’s IVF clinic of choice.
“This is a very exciting opportunity, not only for The World Egg Bank, but also for myself. We are looking forward to more recipients choosing this option because it can be advantageous for them and for their clinics,” said LoManto.
TWEB offers a Custom Choice Embryo™ Cycle where the Embryologist inseminates oocytes on the day of the donor’s retrieval. The oocytes are immediately fertilized with sperm provided by the Intended Parents and frozen to be shipped to their clinic. Certain clinics worldwide are more familiar with the technology used to thaw frozen embryos. The familiarity allows doctors to work with technology proven many times over in their laboratory.
As the oldest and most reputable egg bank, TWEB sets high industry standards for egg quality and in cultivating close relationships with egg donors and recipients. TWEB’s singular focus is on egg freezing and operation of its state of the art retrieval facility. This has shown to further improve egg quality by providing consistent and better controlled monitoring, procedures, and environment. TWEB’s donor roster includes over 400 donors and currently holds thousands of eggs available for immediate shipment. The addition of an immediate insemination procedure strengthens the core competencies of TWEB in the marketplace.