Using Frozen Eggs To Successfully Achieve Healthy Pregnancies

It has been nearly three decades since the first live birth was achieved using frozen eggs. Since that time, many advances have been made in the field of reproductive medicine, most notably the introduction of modern vitrification (fast freezing) techniques. Numerous studies have been published confirming the outcome of cycles using frozen eggs to be just as favorable as using fresh eggs.
Recent advances in the supporting technology for reproductive medicine have allowed for us to take a closer look at the development of the embryo. In a recent study, published in the September 2017 edition of the Fertility and Sterility Journal, embryo development was evaluated utilizing time-lapse analysis and morphokinetic parameters (physical features and biological activity parameters) for assessment of embryo quality. The study revealed that there was on average only a 1-hour delay in the formation of the blastocyst (mature stage of embryo development, ideal for embryo transfer); that the quality of the embryo was not impaired; and that there was no difference in the quality, implantation rate, and clinical pregnancy rate.
This study adds to the growing body of evidence of the safety and equivalency of using frozen eggs to successfully achieve healthy pregnancies, and here at The World Egg Bank and Sperm Bank, we continuously pursue the highest standards of excellence in providing quality donor eggs for our future parents.