Let’s see whether you’re a match for egg donation, and if egg donation is a match for you! Each aspiring egg donor is thoroughly screened for multiple factors, to not only support a successful IVF cycle and promote a positive outcome, but to ensure the donor is safe from start to completion. Now, what disqualifies you from donating eggs?
Stay with us as we leap into the leading egg donor disqualifiers!
What disqualifies you from donating eggs?
What disqualifies you from donating eggs and why? Each disqualifier is related to a genetic, behavioral, or health component for each woman (check out below!). These are pivotal to determining eligibility, that without, could promote certain health risks in the donor, the future potential child, or lead to an unsuccessful retrieval and future insemination.
At The World Egg and Sperm Bank, we do our due diligence to promote safety and security for all parties involved: the donor, the future parents, and the future child.
- Age
- Location/Residency
- Body Mass Index
- Birth control usage
- Drug use
- STD’s
- Medical history knowledge
- Genetic disorders
- Fertility
- Time commitment
- Mental Health
- Ability to self-administer injections
Are You a Good Match for Egg Donation?
Do you have the qualities we’re looking for? Check out below!
Egg Donor Disqualifiers: Age
Egg donors must be 18-31 years old.
Egg Donor Disqualifiers: Residency
To qualify, egg donors must U.S. citizens or have permanent residence in the United States. Donors will visit our state-of-the-art facility in Scottsdale, Arizona at the end of their journey, so our clinical staff can retrieve a select number of your eggs.
Egg Donor Disqualifiers: Body Mass Index
For egg donation, donors must fit within our accepted BMI range.
Egg Donor Disqualifiers: Birth Control Usage
Certain birth control methods can interact negatively with the egg donation process. Egg donors can be on the pill, patch, and some IUD’s. If you are on a different birth control, you can discontinue it and requalify.
Egg Donor Disqualifiers: Drug Use
We cannot accept donors that participate in any illegal drug use or alcohol abuse.
Egg Donor Disqualifiers: STD’s
Egg donors must be clear of any sexually contracted diseases.
Egg Donor Disqualifiers: Medical History Knowledge
In our prescreening application, aspiring applicants must have complete and accurate knowledge of their personal and immediate family’s health history (parents, grandparents, siblings).
Egg Donor Disqualifiers: Genetic Disorders
When donors undergo comprehensive genetic screening, their bloodwork cannot indicate any serious, genetic, mental or physical disorders which could pass to the future child.
Egg Donor Disqualifiers: Fertility
Through ultrasound screening, donors must have a quality egg reserve. They may be denied if medical finds that the egg reserve is too low.
Is Egg Donation a Good Match for You?
Even if you fit most of our egg donor requirements, it’s almost important to decide if egg donation is the right path for you at this moment in time. To complete your first cycle, you’ll need to be able to:
Commit 2-4 Months of Your Time
The egg donation process is not short or quick. From the time you apply, it takes two to four months to finish your very first cycle. Deciding with yourself if you can actually dedicate the time and effort to donate and if you’re willing to sacrifice that time, is significant.
Be Mentally and Physically Ready to Donate
Egg donation is not only an investment in time, but a physical and mental undertaking as well. Some questions to ask yourself before committing to the process:
- Am I mentally ready to undergo physical, medical, and psychological testing and screening?
- Am I mentally ready to undergo a minimally invasive procedure to retrieve my eggs?
- Do I understand my own reasons and motivations for donating?
- Am I okay with donating my reproductive material to help create a baby?
- Do I feel healthy enough to undergo the relative physical stress of becoming a donor?
Self-Administer Hormone Injections
Two weeks before your egg retrieval date, each donor will have to self-administer very small, subcutaneous, hormone injections. These will mature a select number of your eggs, whereas during your period only one egg usually matures and passes through. Each donor must be comfortable with self-injecting needles into their abdomen and must be wary of the few potential side effects (most of which just cause slight discomfort for those two weeks.)
- Soreness or redness around the injected area
- Bloating
- Abdominal pain
- Breast tenderness
- Mood swings
Apply Online with Us and See If You Qualify!
Now that we’ve answered the question, “what disqualifies you from donating eggs?” apply with us online! If you read through all our disqualifications and feel as though you may be a great candidate, we encourage you to take some time to fill out our prescreening application!
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