What Happens at a Sperm Bank? About the Process

March 28, 2023

Sperm donors are a crucial piece of the puzzle for many families who need assistance starting a family. Your role as a sperm donor is essential, but first-time donors may be nervous and unsure of what to expect. At The World Egg and Sperm Bank, we want you to feel completely comfortable with the process of what happens at a sperm bank.  

Here is a complete breakdown of the sperm donation process to help you navigate whether becoming a sperm donor is right for you. 



What Happens at a Sperm Bank?

Apply Online

The good news is that you can start the process of becoming a sperm donor from the comfort of your own home. That said, not everyone is eligible to donate sperm. Although there are not as many requirements as donating eggs, you must meet a short list of qualifications. 

Determine whether you are eligible to donate to The World Egg and Sperm Bank based on these criteria:

  • Between the ages of 18 and 39
  • Good physical and mental health
  • Located within driving distance of our facility
  • Able to donate 1 to 3 times weekly
  • Must be a U.S. citizen or hold a permanent residency the United States with a corresponding Government issued ID

If you meet these qualifications and are willing to help a family grow, then you should fill out an online application to begin the process. From here, we will assess you to ensure you meet all the required criteria before you can begin donating sperm.


Health Screening

Our team of professionals will assess your overall health before moving forward with a sperm donation. We will conduct a comprehensive array of tests to ensure that you are in good health. It starts with a general physical exam and a blood draw for various screenings including genetic testing for any inheritable diseases. 

Upon successful completion, we will also screen you for STDs. Testing positive for sexually transmitted diseases like hepatitis B and C may disqualify you from becoming a sperm donor. 

You will be required to know your family medical history through to your biological grandparents on both your maternal and paternal sides. Being adopted or having parents who are adopted does not automatically disqualify you. However, you must know the biological parents and/or grandparents information in order to qualify and move forward in the process.

That being said, your physical health is only one piece of the puzzle. You will have a meeting with a psychological counselor to ensure that you are aware of the decision to donate your sperm. This meeting is also used to screen you for mental disorders that could impact your ability to donate.. 



One of the biggest questions about what happens at a sperm bank relates to the actual donation process.

At The World Egg and Sperm Bank, we go to great lengths to make sure that you are as relaxed as possible. Not only do we strive to put you at ease, but the process is also very private. Our new state-of-the-art sperm banking facility is designed with your comfort in mind.

We ask that our donors have flexibility in their schedule to donate one to three times per week. This is why living within driving distance of our facility is crucial.


Sperm Vitrification and Storage

Once you donate your sperm to The World Egg and Sperm Bank, we prepare the sample to be stored until it is time to be used. We use a process known as vitrification, which was initially used to better freeze eggs. Vitrification worked so well that it is now used to store sperm samples. 

Vitrification allows us to quickly freeze sperm in a matter of milliseconds. The water in the sample is removed and is instead replaced with a preserving solution. From here, it is placed in liquid nitrogen and is frozen nearly instantaneously. 

Cells do not degrade even when thawed or transferred due to the freezing process. This allows us to store your donation indefinitely without worrying about the quality or lifespan of the sperm.

Your sperm will be kept in a special cryogenic freezer, where it can be stored almost indefinitely when kept at the right temperatures. When the sperm is ready to be used, it’s essential to maintain these temperatures during the shipping process to a waiting facility. Slight variations in temperature can warm the sperm and affect the gamete’s success rate. 



Choosing to Donate at The World Egg and Sperm Bank

If you are considering becoming a sperm donor to help a waiting family conceive or are curious about what happens at a sperm bank, contact The World Egg and Sperm Bank. We are highly experienced when it comes to sperm donation and can walk you through every step of the process. Our singular location is second to none: private, comfortable, and brand new.

However, the quality of our facility is only part of the equation. We genuinely care for all of our donors and we vow to put your safety, comfort, and health first throughout this process of making such a generous donation. 

It is important to note that we do not outsource any step of this process. Every step of what happens at a sperm bank is entirely managed and carried out by our expert staff. We use a state-of-the-art method for freezing and storing sperm. This is the gold standard for quality and increases the chance that your donor sperm will help a future family welcome a new child.

If you want to help a waiting family to conceive a child via sperm donation, reach out to us today or fill out an online application to get started!


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