What TWEB Is Doing To Stay Safe

September 29, 2020
The World Egg Bank Safety Measures During COVID 19 Corona Virus

The world is a crazy place right now. From murder hornets, to wildfires, to a world-wide pandemic, things are undeniably scary. The World Egg Bank understands, and we are taking every precaution possible to ensure the safety of our staff and donors. We want our donors to feel comfortable while donating, so here are the additional measures we are taking to reduce risk:

  • Extra training for staff and education for donors about the importance of hand washing, face masks and social distancing.
  • All staff and donors are required to observe social distancing guidelines and/or wear a facial covering when in treatment areas. Appointment times are staggered to limit the number of donors in our office at one time.
  • Minimal staff and donors in the office at a given time. Administrative staff are working from home and visitors have been restricted.
  • Routine cleaning procedures are strictly followed with additional COVID-19 precautions. We follow all state and federal guidelines for medical practices.
  • All staff and donors are screened for symptoms of illness upon entry into the office. Each person is required to take their temperature, oxygen level and complete a COVID-19 symptom questionnaire.

The health and safety of our staff and donors is our primary concern. We are closely monitoring the guidelines for COVID-19 infection prevention and adapting our protocol when necessary. We encourage any questions and concerns about treatment changes and ways to protect yourself and your family to be sent to donors@theworldeggandspermbank.com.

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