When talking to future parents who are struggling to start their family, we often hear how having a family is something they didn’t think twice about in their prior years. It is very often assumed that having a family will just happen. What most people don’t realize is it is not always that easy. One in eight people suffer from infertility. This is a statistic that is not widely publicized. Donors such as yourself, have made the decision to go through a process to help the dream of a family come true for those suffering from infertility. There are a multitude of reasons future parents need the help of eggs donors.
Some reasons being:
- Age
- Infertility
- Cancer/chemo
- Radiation
- Endometriosis
- Scar tissue
- Low ovarian reserve
- Genetic disorders
Egg donors change lives and make dreams come true. They are a symbol of hope when all other options have been exhausted. They are the missing piece in the puzzle for future parents all over the world. Being an egg donor is so much more than a way to make money, it is a way to change the world.